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Addiction Pharmacology

Addiction Pharmacology

Addiction Pharmacology makes the recovery process easier by easing the side effects and cravings associated with withdrawal. The pharmacology of most addictive substances is being studied extensively, not just for acute effects but also the mechanisms that lead to drug seeking and addiction. Some people continue to take medicine which leads to side effects and causes addiction. When the drugs are consumed more these drugs can have serious side effects, including physical dependence and tolerance. Ironically, the opiate addiction is treated having some addictive properties Many pharmacological agents began to explore the efficacy of existing alcohol treatments, and several medications are currently being used in alcohol rehabilitation and more new medications to help treat alcoholism have been developed. Science has produced a new anti-addiction IM medication for the treatment of alcohol dependence which is called VivitrolTM, injected version of naltrexone which is also recently approved by FDA, thereby drastically reducing or completely stopping alcohol use for alcoholics receiving the medication and attending active treatment programs.

  • Drug Addiction and Consequences
  • Drug Receptors
  • Drug Tolerance
  • Drug Dependence
  • Drugs and their effects on Addiction
  • Pharmacotherapy
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