Allied Academies

Adrian Auler

Adrian Auler, PhD
Associate Professor
California Institute of Integral Studies, California, United States

Adrian Auler is a doctoral candidate in East-West Psychology (EWP) at the California Institute of Integral Studies. His dissertation topic is opiate addiction and its treatment with the entheogen ibogaine. His real qualification to address the topic is that he was a heroin addict for 22 years and only escaped it using ibogaine. He finished most of his higher education in the 21 years since he got clean. He has also written a book which is a popular treatment of his dissertation topic. He got BA’s in anthropology and psychology as they complement each other to produce a comprehensive perspective. He got an MA, and am now ABD, in EWP. His lenses are depth, transpersonal, and integral psychology, psychological and medical anthropology, and autoethnography. His focus is consciousness studies, including energy medicine and psychedelic research. Integral psychology is a philosophical and spiritual transpersonal psychology, and the “hard problem” of Chalmers is a touchstone in his work.

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